14 abril 2006

O que se diz por aí

A Europa tem andado na boca do mundo nos últimos tempos, muito graças às arruadas francesas e aos desvairos berlusconianos.

Resolvi pilhar as ideias de uns comentadores no site da BBC que achei que valia a pena partilhar. Como vêem são três os comentários pelo que não é um plágio mas sim uma investigação (é estranho como o Dan Brown não se lembrou desta :-)

O primeiro comentário apresenta-nos um caminho verosímil para o abismo.

O segundo uma realidade que bem podia ser a portuguesa.

O terceiro uma visão dos EUA que nos diz que se calhar o caminho não é mudar as coisas a torto e a direito, pensando nas vantagens macroeconómicas mas esquecendo-nos das pessoas que vivem no particular.

Europe will wait for even worse economic news before implementing a few, obvious reforms required to generate a real economy. So far Europeans can react, but they cannot act. The red-green coalitions of the past have been replaced by brown-green coalitions. Anti-immigrant parties do well even as Europeans commit demographic suicide and refuse to reproduce. They want cheap immigrant labor without the demographic consequences. They want a job for life that is a chimera, a state pension from bankrupt states. The French set the streets alight when there are no jobs, and set them alight again when their government attempts reforms to give them jobs. As the kids say, "whatever."
Rod, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, UK

I have lived as a British expat in France, near Paris for 19 years. When I left England in the '80s, the UK was in a bad state: unemployment, and so on. I was in the UK, in Wakefield during the miners strike. Now, after being here so long, I can see why the people are fighting for this. I have been struggling to find work here, although having a very good professional experience, there is always something "not right" with your experience, or you don't have the "right" diploma.
When the students will leave university, with many years studying, you will find them being told by employers that they have no experience, therefore, the CPE, where the wages will surely be very low and with the possibility of being kicked out at any time in the passing two years, by unscrupulous bosses, and there are many! And after working years in studies, many French youngsters leave France to work in the UK. Often I chat with the youngsters here, and when you hear that they have sent off 150 CVs for a low level job, with nothing back, it's just another reason to fuel the fire.
Jonathan Simmonds, montreuil, france

At least the French can revolt and argue, scream, have a mini revolution if they wish. In this country, the US, all anti-government, left wing, way out of the mainstream, kind of thoughts, you will likely be hunted down by the government. Most of the western world, UK and US are so concerned only about themselves. Living here as an American, I am embarrassed to say that and the clear fact working here is impossible to make a living at all. Most people are under the poverty line here, working wherever they can making nothing compared to the cost of living around the USA.
The only way is to have two or three jobs, no medical benefits at all and of course no savings. It seems like it's all been taken over by yuppies and the elite.
Tony, San Francisco, CA USA

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