16 maio 2006

Perigo amarelo

" Yellow clouds on the horizon

It may not exactly be an apocalyptic cloud of terror, but the UK's millions of hayfever sufferers may be forgiven for feeling anxious at news that a huge yellow dust cloud has been swirling around the east coast of England in recent days.
There have been reports from perturbed motorists who have found their cars caked in the yellow dust, and the Met Office has been inundated with calls from East Anglia, Lincolnshire and East and North Yorkshire."

Guardian, 12/05/06

2 Comentários:

Anonymous Anónimo disse...

Sobre o perigo amarelo mesmo era o Segredo do Espadão (uns amarelos muito vermelhos, concedo, ao jeito da Guerra Fria). Regista-se que o lobby anglo-saxónico deste blogue, mesmo ao citar os clássicos da Bande Dessinée franco-belga, consegue ser anglófilo...


17 maio, 2006 15:28  
Blogger Radagast disse...

É a natureza!

17 maio, 2006 17:04  

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